The Incredible Parent Directory 2023: SUPPORT PROGRAMS

July 23, 2021

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AIDS Saskatoon – 1143 Avenue F North
(306) 242-5005 Free light lunch 12:00 pm
(Mon – Fri)

EGADZ – 485 1st Avenue North (306) 931-6644
Street Outreach van – snacks to YOUTH ONLY (306) 221-3719
Supper and snacks 12-19 YOUTH ONLY (Mon – Sat)

Salvation Army – 339 Avenue C South (306) 242-6833
Coffee house – free food Friday and Sunday night and Tues-Thurs afternoons

Saskatoon Food Bank and Learning Centre – 202 Avenue C South (306) 664-6565 ext 222
Emergency food baskets available, must have ID

Saskatoon Indian and Metis Friendship Centre – 168 Wall Street (306) 244-0174
Free supper available some nights

Saskatoon Native Circle Ministries – 450 20th Street West
Free sandwiches, coffee, juice and cookies (Mon – Fri)
Free hot meal Fridays

The Bridge on 20th – 1008 20th Street West (306) 382-2855
Free breakfast and lunch (Mon-Thurs, lunch only Sat) Free coffee and snacks (Sunday afternoon)

The Friendship Inn – 619 20th Street West (306) 242-5122
Free breakfast and lunch (every day)

White Buffalo Youth Lodge – 602 20th Street West
(306) 653-7676 Snacks during the day YOUTH ONLY

EGADZ – 485 1st Avenue North (306) 931-6644
Emergency infant formula and baby food

Clothing and Personal Supplies

The Clothes Depot (Saskatoon Food Bank) 223 Avenue B South (306) 244-1236

The Bridge on 20th 1320 20th Street West (306) 382-2855

The Lighthouse 304 2nd Avenue South (306) 653-0538

Hands On Ministry 140 Avenue F North (306) 653-4182

YWCA 506 25th Street East (306) 244-7034