Strengthening People; Nurturing Relationships; Building Communities
DONATE NOW With an increasing need for services comes an increasing need for donations.
“I’m proud that I have the knowledge and tools to make sure abuse will not be a part of my life again.”
- Participant in the Men’s Working Group for Respectful Relationships

However big or small, your donations will support spouses, children, youth, and individuals in nurturing themselves and their relationships, through:
- Individual or couple counselling sessions
- Group programs focused on mental health and well-being
- Programs to end violence – family violence, intimate partner violence, youth violence
- Programs for families experiencing separation and divorce
- Parenting programs that provide caregivers with the skills they need to be confident in their parenting role
- Programs to help youth experiencing challenges
- Culturally sensitive services that meet the unique needs of our diverse community
Charitable Registration: 10797029 RR0001
Corporate Partners
If your company’s values align with ours, you have the opportunity to make a significant impact in the very community your business calls home.
Proactive companies, like yours, understand that supporting the overall health and wellbeing of your own community pays business dividends.
With your donations, we can provide people with a safe space to seek help along with services and resources that they couldn’t otherwise access.
We partner with corporate supporters who have the means and desire to give back and a passion to support the overall well-being of their teams and their community.
If we are a fit with your corporate philanthropic goals and initiatives, we would love to hear from you.
Thank you to our supporters!
Community Partners
Your organization exists to serve the deepest needs of our communities, and you believe that everyone should have access to mental health services and programs that nurture healthy relationships and provide support for vulnerable people. We partner with community organizations, just like yours, to provide counselling and programming to nurture safe, respectful, and healthy relationships.
Consider adding Family Service Saskatoon to your organization’s partnership portfolio. For nearly 100 years, we have worked alongside many other non-profit organizations, giving their clients access to as many resources as possible.
If you are a service club or organization who is determined to strengthen people, support mental health, and build a safer community, we invite you to be a part of this diverse and supportive alliance.
Please consider donating. Let’s join forces and discuss the possibilities of serving together.
Thank you to our supporters!
Individuals and Families
"Depression hit hard at the same time as Covid. I am grateful that FSS offers affordable counseling which is helping me to navigate through everyday stressors and find a healthy balance between family life and everything else outside the home." - Counselling Client
When individuals and families thrive, the entire community thrives. We are stronger together. You know that all of us are impacted by the overall health and safety of the community where we live, work and play.
We connect caring individuals and families with opportunities to financially support the provision of quality programs and services that help people become all they can be. If you or someone you know has received help from Family Service Saskatoon, please consider donating or sharing your story so that we can continue to help others.
Planned Giving:
If you or your family are interested in leaving a legacy gift, please consider Family Service Saskatoon.
Let’s ensure that the most vulnerable are not left behind and that our community flourishes.
Contact us to discuss how you can make a lasting difference for families in Saskatoon.
We want to partner with you!
Medical Professionals
Community Groups
Through our partnerships, we’re able to impact more lives and provide better service to our clients by expanding our outreach and accessibility.
If you are a community group, business, educational institution, or healthcare provider, we would love to connect and explore the potential future of a partnership.
Not only do we provide individual services, resources, group programming, continued learning, and consultations, we also align our partners with
community impact!
We are your one-stop provider of expert-led individual and group counselling when your clients need more time and support than you can provide
within your scope of practice. We can complement the work you do and continue the conversation your clients start with you.
Reach out if you are a professional who wants to support the wellbeing of your clients and need a trusted mental health partner to balance their
support systems.
Our Commitment to Partnerships
Since our foundation, Family Service Saskatoon has been a community leader and trusted partner of many organizations around Saskatoon. From our
initial partnerships with community groups like the Rotary Club, Kinsmen, Kiwanis Club, and Community Chest (now known as United Way), to our network
of over 60 community partners today, we have proven the value of partnership. We have championed early education for children in need, led in the
development of parenting classes, provided youth with the skills and support they need to flourish, and provided critical interventions for families in crisis
and women leaving unsafe relationships.
We continue to work with all levels of government to provide services to our community’s most vulnerable residents.
We are dedicated to inspiring others to be active partners, building a stronger community alongside us. We work with 12 different professional education
institutions across 4 provinces to provide post-secondary students with practica and internships. Students of social work, counselling, marriage and family
therapy, or counselling psychology contribute to our programs as they hone their professional skills in a nurturing and supportive learning environment.