Are Your Kids Fighting?
June 11, 2021
Are your KIDS fighting? Do your children argue with each other? Are you running short on temper and tools?

As parents we can create an environment of cooperation that promotes the value of differences (in ideas, opinions and solutions), encourages individuality, focuses on solutions and includes mutual respect and dignity.
How to start creating an environment of cooperation TODAY:
Encouraging Individuality
Valuing Difference
Involving children in Age-Appropriate Tasks
Focusing on Solutions
Children feel encouraged when the parents understand and respects their view:
Express understanding of child’s point of view and feelings
Show empathy without condoning challenging behavior
Share a time you have felt similar (if appropriate)
Share your thoughts and feelings. Children often listen after they feel listened to
Focus on solutions
Positive Parenting Tool Tips:
Give up power struggles
Focus on how you can win with children
This tool is effective when used with other Positive
Parenting Tools :
Connection BEFORE Correction
**This information is written by Parenting Education Saskatchewan based on Positive Discipline Parenting from the Positive Discipline Association**