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Transitioning Back-to-School

The summer months fly by too quickly.  Before we know it, children will be returning to school. The new school year offers a fresh start and new possibilities, but it also means reestablishing school year routines. Transitioning into a new routine can be overwhelming...

بوابة إلكترونية جديدة: مركز الوالدين

وقد أنشأت الطريق المتحدة بوابة جديدة لمعلومات رعاية الطفل تسمى الوالدين المركزية. انظر المادة CKOM هنا: https://www.ckom.com/2021/04/21/parent-central-website-to-provide-families-with-info-about-child-care/ يمكنك الوصول إلى البوابة...

Challenges of Raising a Teen

Parenting is tricky no matter the age, but as parents of teenagers, sometimes it can be difficult to understand what your teen may be going through. Teenage years are full of growth, self-identification, learning new things, and trying to understand how the world...

مشاعر الآباء بعد ولادة طفلهم

This fact sheet created by the Nobody’s Perfect Parenting program provides information for fathers who have new babies. This resource focuses on the changes that occur with birth, potential depression after birth, and supports for fathers. This resource is excellent...

Saskatoon Family Centre

Saskatoon Family Centre is a family resource centre that provides free programs and services to all parents and caregivers of children prenatal to age 5 in Saskatoon. This is open to all families including new parents, caregivers, single parents, low-income families,...

اعتبارات السلامة الخارجية

Springtime brings warm weather and sunshine, which usually means time spent outdoors. Time spent outdoors brings fun, adventure, and a new set of safety guidelines to consider. Nobody’s Perfect Parenting has a fact sheet on safety considerations associated with...

سجل العادات الصحية

هل ترغب في خلق عادات جديدة وأكثر صحة؟ هذا السجل يمكن أن يساعد. تحقق من الأيام التي تمارس فيها السلوكيات الصحية حتى تصبح عادة حقا. بعض الأمثلة: ممارسة التمارين الرياضية المعتدلة ، وتناول الفواكه والخضروات ، والنظافة الشخصية الجيدة ، والتدليك الذاتي ، و ...

Article: Dad Shaming is a Thing

Moms aren't the only ones being criticized for the way they parent. A new poll finds majority of dads are in the same boat—and often the child's other parent is the reason. Read the article.

نصائح الأبوة والأمومة الصيفية

Summertime can be a stressful and challenging transition for parents and children as their regular routines shift. However, it is also the time for adventure, new opportunities, and fun. It can be challenging to understand how to keep summer structured, organized,...

Remai Modern Saskatoon

Remai Modern is an art museum located in downtown Saskatoon. Their goal is to spark creativity and encourage curiosity in children through immersive activities and special exhibitions that whole families can enjoy. Remai Modern is a unique, fun space for families to...

Prince Albert Community Services Centre

The Community Service Centre offers a variety of supports in the areas of employment, budget counselling and accessible transportation for seniors and PWDA (person’s with Diverse Abilities). The Community Service Centre works to increase the self confidence and job...

Saskatoon Forestry Farm Park and Zoo

As the weather grows warmer and school is wrapping up for the summer, your family’s routine will change drastically. Many parents and caregivers often search for opportunities and experiences that are both fun and educational for their children. The Saskatoon  Foresty...

Cannabis and Pregnancy

Research has shown that cannabis can have effects before, during, and after pregnancy. The safest choice is to stop using cannabis when trying to get pregnant, during pregnancy, and while breastfeeding. Chemicals from cannabis can be passed down to the baby through...

The Incredible Parent Directory 2023: EDUCATION

To download a PDF version of this page, please click here. The Ability Hub YXE (formerly the North Saskatchewan Independent Living Centre) Ph: (306) 665-5508 Fax (306) 244-2453 https://www.abilityhubyxe.ca/ 237 - 5th Avenue North, Saskatoon, SK S7K 2P2 The Ability Hub...

الحفاظ على سلامة الأطفال أثناء جائحة COVID-19

وقد غيرت آثار المؤتمر والتدابير المتخذة للتصدي له العالم اليومي للأطفال وأسرهم الذين يعيشون في كندا. وبالنسبة للعديد من الأطفال، كانت النتيجة زيادة الوقت الجيد مع الآباء والأشقاء. ومع ذلك، بعض الأطفال البقاء في المنزل الوجه...

الصندوق الوطني لدعم الناجين من حالات الطوارئ التابع لجمعية الشابات المسيحيات الكندية (NESS)

يسر جمعية الشابات المسيحيات الكندية أن تعلن عن إطلاق الصندوق الوطني لدعم الناجين في حالات الطوارئ (NESS). صندوق NESS هذا هو مبادرة من YWCA Canada ، يتم تشغيله بالشراكة مع 12 جمعية YWCA محلية في جميع أنحاء البلاد. يقدم الصندوق دعما ماليا لمرة واحدة يصل إلى...


The Incredible Parent Directory 2023: CRIME & JUSTICE

If you would like to download this page as a PDF, please click here. Child Find Saskatchewan (306) 955-0070 (24hrs) 1-800-513-3463 www.childfind.sk.ca 202 - 3502 Taylor Street East, Saskatoon, S7H 5H9 Provides services promoting personal safety to children, parents...

The Incredible Parent Directory 2023: BEREAVEMENT

To download a PDF version of this page, please click here . Caregiver Counselling Community Services Social Workers (306) 655-3400 Idylwyld Heath Centre 103 – 310 Idylwyld Drive North S7L 0Z2 Provides Individual counselling, caregiver support group and bereavement...

Saskatoon Summer Camp Guide

Summer is a time for adventure and exploration for children! There are so many exciting things happening around Saskatoon, it can be hard to keep track of it all. This summer camp guide is all you need to explore the different opportunities our city has to offer....

The Incredible Parent Directory 2023: ADDICTIONS

To download this page as a PDF, please click here. Adult Family Program - Mental Health & Addictions Services (306) 665-7777 2302 Arlington Avenue S7J 3L3 Provides educational groups and individual support for families affected by someone else’s mental illness,...

The Incredible Parent Directory 2023: URGENT SERVICES

To download a PDF version of this page, please click here. Helping children cope: Tips for talking about tragedy After a tragedy, you might feel helpless – but your child needs your support. Here’s help knowing what to say by Mayo Clinic Staff:...

The Incredible Parent Directory 2023: HEALTH

To download a PDF version of this page, please click here. Alvin Buckwold Child Development Program (306) 655-1070 www.saskatoonhealthregion.ca 1319 Colony Street, Saskatoon S7N 2Z1 Serves children’s special health needs. These can include physical, intellectual,...