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CFS الأمير ألبرت

تهدف خدمات الأسرة الكاثوليكية للأمير ألبرت إلى تعزيز وتقوية الصحة العقلية والعاطفية للأفراد والعائلات في مجتمعنا والمنطقة المحيطة به. لمعرفة المزيد عن برامجهم ، انقر هنا.

دعم الثدي بيري

يوفر هذا الموقع الدعم للحمل والأبوة والأمومة. انظر الموقع.

خدمة الأسرة ريجينا

تتمثل مهمة Family Service Regina في خلق الرفاه للأفراد والأسر في مجتمعهم ، من خلال العمل مع الأفراد والأسر والمجتمعات بجميع أشكالها ، الذين هم حاليا في محنة أو في خطر. قم بزيارة موقع الويب الخاص بهم.

المؤسسة الكندية للمرأة

ومنذ عام 1991، أصبحت مؤسسة المرأة الكندية واحدة من أكبر المؤسسات النسائية في العالم. وبدعم من الشركاء والمانحين، جمعت المؤسسة أكثر من 130 مليون دولار ومولت أكثر من 2,500 برنامج في جميع أنحاء البلاد. زار...

يشبون بصحة جيدة

يوفر الموارد للآباء والأمهات على أساس عمر الطفل. انقر هنا للحصول على الموقع.

برنامج هافن للروابط العائلية

Parenting can be the most difficult job, especially when we are lacking support systems. Haven Family Connections prioritizes family relationships while supporting families in staying together, keeping children safe, and reducing the need for child-protective...

Saskatoon Leisure Access Program 2023

Summer can be an exciting time filled with adventures and opportunities. It can also be a time with higher expenses and unaffordable events in the city leading to unnecessary stress and disappointment. The City of Saskatoon has a program for low-income families to...

How can Family Service Saskatoon help me?

Family Service Saskatoon can help people to build healthy and respectful relationships on their strengths, make positive changes in their lives and look forward to happier futures. Check out this link with more information.

How can Family Service Saskatoon help me?

Family Service Saskatoon can help people to build healthy and respectful relationships on their strengths, make positive changes in their lives and look forward to happier futures. Check out this link with more information.

Counselling for Youth

Family Service Saskatoon offers programs for youth in their journey towards healthier relationships with others, and with community. Check out this link with more information.

Counselling for Youth

Family Service Saskatoon offers programs for youth in their journey towards healthier relationships with others, and with community. Check out this link with more information.

The Incredible Parent Directory 2023: EMERGENCY CONTACTS

To download this page as a PDF, please click here. 9-1-1 Emergency Access to City Police, Fire, and Ambulance Deaf Persons Emergency TTY (306) 975-8364 Saskatoon City Police inquiries (non-emergency)   (306) 975-8300 Corman Park Police Service (306) 242-8808...

Staying Healthy During Cold & Flu Season

As the seasons change, Cold and Flu Season is now upon us. In Canada, peak Flu season lasts from late fall through winter. Everyone is at risk of catching the cold or flu; however, there are individuals who are at higher risk, including people with health conditions,...

Infant Sleep and Sleep Skills

Proper sleep is crucial for an infant’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Common sleep issues among infants may include difficulties settling to sleep, frequent night waking, and excessive nighttime crying. It is important for parents to be aware and...

السلامة داخل المنزل

A safe home includes parents and caregivers inspecting their homes for risks, and requires adequate supervision of children. Children do not recognize that they can be injured by things in their environment, such as a hot stove or electrical outlet. It is important to...

Bicycle Safety

As the warm weather approaches and bicycling becomes more common, it is important to ensure that we, and our children, are aware of bike safety. Going over this bicycle safety fact sheet with your children will help them be more aware of how to stay safe. the link...

بناء علاقات جيدة بين الوالدين والطفل

العلاقات الإيجابية بين الوالدين والطفل مهمة لجميع مجالات نمو الأطفال. من خلال التواجد في الوقت الحالي ، وقضاء وقت ممتع وإظهار الدفء والرعاية والاحترام ، يمكنك تقوية علاقتك مع طفلك.  الوالد الجيد الطفل ...

نصائح لمشاركة الكتب

Reading is an important aspect of learning and development for children, but it is not the only way they can learn about books and stories. Book sharing is a great way to share stories and to help your child learn. Book sharing can start long before your child is...

Dad Central

Dad Central is a national network of practitioners that aims to support and engage fathers as important members of the family. The network has numerous resources for dads and practitioners who work with dads. This online network provides dads with resources, courses,...

Grief and Loss Drop-in Support Group

This group offers a safe place to identify and explore the stages of grief.  With empathy and honesty, we will look at aspects of grief: the vulnerability and unpredictability of our emotions; physical symptoms like fatigue; and coping with the 'day to day' as we ask...

3Bs and Sibling Conflict

Many parents experience their children arguing, fighting and in conflict at various times. While this behaviour is common, there are heart strings that are pulled and tensions begin to raise. We may start to pick sides, or demand “what did you do to your...