ما الذي تبحث عنه؟


Slumberkins is a free online resource that provides support to caregivers, educators, and children by encouraging social-emotional wellness. On their website under the ‘Resource’ tab, there are numerous therapeutic topics to choose from such as creativity, conflict...

The Incredible Parent Directory 2023: SUPPORT PROGRAMS

To download a PDF version of this page, please click here. Food AIDS Saskatoon – 1143 Avenue F North (306) 242-5005 Free light lunch 12:00 pm (Mon – Fri) EGADZ – 485 1st Avenue North (306) 931-6644 Street Outreach van – snacks to YOUTH ONLY (306) 221-3719 Supper and...

The Incredible Parent Directory 2023: RESPITE SERVICES

To download a PDF version of this page, please click here Community Living Service Delivery (CLSD) Community Living Service Delivery (CLSD) is a branch of the Ministry of Social Services. Branch staff work with people experiencing intellectual disabilities and help...

Mobile Crisis (Saskatoon Crisis Intervention Services)

Mobile Crisis is available to anyone, free of charge, 24 hours a day. Crisis workers will respond to the call based on assessment of risk. Crises where you would contact Mobile Crisis may include suicidal thoughts, child abuse or neglect, marriage and family problems,...

حملي في ساسكاتشوان

My Saskatchewan Pregnancy App is free to download, and it supports pregnant women living in Saskatchewan. All the information on the app is evidence-based and has been reviewed by healthcare professionals working throughout Saskatchewan. Key features include daily...

Saskatchewan Tribal Council

Saskatchewan Tribal Council provides educational, intervention, and preventative services to parents, youth, and children. They provide programs that are designed to ensure families are strengthened through the process of traditional and mainstream practices aimed to...

Saskatoon Family Centre

Saskatoon Family Centre is a family resource centre that provides free programs and services to all parents and caregivers of children prenatal to age 5 in Saskatoon. This is open to all families including new parents, caregivers, single parents, low-income families,...

Safer Schools Together

Safer Schools Together educates and creates awareness by providing online resources for youth and caregivers. They provide workshops, modules, and general information to help minimize the risk of violence and to increase social media literacy. Some workshops have a...

The Incredible Parent Directory 2023: HEALTH

To download a PDF version of this page, please click here. Alvin Buckwold Child Development Program (306) 655-1070 www.saskatoonhealthregion.ca 1319 Colony Street, Saskatoon S7N 2Z1 Serves children’s special health needs. These can include physical, intellectual,...

The Incredible Parent Directory 2023: EDUCATION

To download a PDF version of this page, please click here. The Ability Hub YXE (formerly the North Saskatchewan Independent Living Centre) Ph: (306) 665-5508 Fax (306) 244-2453 https://www.abilityhubyxe.ca/ 237 - 5th Avenue North, Saskatoon, SK S7K 2P2 The Ability Hub...

The Incredible Parent Directory 2023: CRIME & JUSTICE

If you would like to download this page as a PDF, please click here. Child Find Saskatchewan (306) 955-0070 (24hrs) 1-800-513-3463 www.childfind.sk.ca 202 - 3502 Taylor Street East, Saskatoon, S7H 5H9 Provides services promoting personal safety to children, parents...

The Incredible Parent Directory 2023: PARENTING

To download a PDF version of this page, please click here. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Saskatoon (306) 244-8197 Fax (306) 244-4171 www.bbbssaskatoon.org 182 Wall Street S7K 1N4 Big Brother Big Sisters of Saskatoon creates individual and group mentoring relationships...

The Incredible Parent Directory 2023: VOCATIONAL PLANNING

To download a PDF version of this page, please click here. Abilities Hub YXE (Formerly Northern Saskatchewan Independent Living) Ph: (306) 665-5508 info@abilityhubyxe.ca www.nsilc.com 237 - 5th Avenue N, Saskatoon SK, S7K 2P2 Offers programs that support individuals...

The Incredible Parent Directory 2023: URGENT SERVICES

To download a PDF version of this page, please click here. Helping children cope: Tips for talking about tragedy After a tragedy, you might feel helpless – but your child needs your support. Here’s help knowing what to say by Mayo Clinic Staff:...

الصندوق الوطني لدعم الناجين من حالات الطوارئ التابع لجمعية الشابات المسيحيات الكندية (NESS)

يسر جمعية الشابات المسيحيات الكندية أن تعلن عن إطلاق الصندوق الوطني لدعم الناجين في حالات الطوارئ (NESS). صندوق NESS هذا هو مبادرة من YWCA Canada ، يتم تشغيله بالشراكة مع 12 جمعية YWCA محلية في جميع أنحاء البلاد. يقدم الصندوق دعما ماليا لمرة واحدة يصل إلى...

The Incredible Parent Directory 2023: SEPARATION & DIVORCE

To download this page as a PDF, please click here. Collaborative Professionals of Saskatchewan Inc. www.collabsask.com An organization that utilizes a process for resolving issues with the advice and assistance of lawyers but without going to court. All parties and...

The Incredible Parent Directory 2023: BEREAVEMENT

To download a PDF version of this page, please click here . Caregiver Counselling Community Services Social Workers (306) 655-3400 Idylwyld Heath Centre 103 – 310 Idylwyld Drive North S7L 0Z2 Provides Individual counselling, caregiver support group and bereavement...

The Incredible Parent Directory 2023: ADDICTIONS

To download this page as a PDF, please click here. Adult Family Program - Mental Health & Addictions Services (306) 665-7777 2302 Arlington Avenue S7J 3L3 Provides educational groups and individual support for families affected by someone else’s mental illness,...

معرض تراكتاستيك للأطفال

Trucktastic! Children’s Expo is a family-oriented event targeting the hearts and imaginations of children who have always wanted to get up close and personal with the fascinating equipment and large vehicles they see on the job in Saskatoon. With over 40...

The Incredible Parent Directory 2023: HOUSING

To view this page as a PDF, please click here. Adelle House (306) 668-2761 Fax (306) 668-2769 www.saskatoonintervalhouse.org Second stage housing in which women over 18 and their children are provided with safe accommodations after they leave Interval House. Operates...

معهد نيوفيلد

The Neufeld Institute is a non-profit society and charitable organization registered in Canada under the legal name Neufeld Institute Foundation. The Institute is a vehicle to develop and deliver the courses created by Dr. Gordon Neufeld whose life’s work has been to...

The Incredible Parent Directory 2023: EMERGENCY CONTACTS

To download this page as a PDF, please click here. 9-1-1 Emergency Access to City Police, Fire, and Ambulance Deaf Persons Emergency TTY (306) 975-8364 Saskatoon City Police inquiries (non-emergency)   (306) 975-8300 Corman Park Police Service (306) 242-8808...

Moose Jaw Family Services

Moose Jaw Family Services supports the community through strength-based and client-centered programs, services, workshops and groups, to help people build resilience, develop skills and knowledge, and gain confidence to make positive changes in their lives. Their goal...

يشبون بصحة جيدة

يوفر الموارد للآباء والأمهات على أساس عمر الطفل. انقر هنا للحصول على الموقع.


Wanuskewin Heritage Park is located 15 minutes outside of Saskatoon. Wanuskewin is a place of uniqueness where people can learn about ancient peoples including aspects of habitation, hunting and gathering, and spirituality. It is a proud place where all people can...

Saskatoon Forestry Farm Park and Zoo

As the weather grows warmer and school is wrapping up for the summer, your family’s routine will change drastically. Many parents and caregivers often search for opportunities and experiences that are both fun and educational for their children. The Saskatoon  Foresty...

Little Wonders Family Connection Program

Raising children can be a challenging and isolating experience at times, made even more challenging if your child has a rare disease or disability. The Little Wonders Family Connection Program is a Saskatchewan-based organization that supports families with children...

حدث الاحتفال ال90!

انضم إلينا في حدث الاحتفال ال90 يوم الأربعاء 10 نوفمبر. الحدث مجاني، ولكن التسجيل المسبق مطلوب.  انظر https://familyservice.sk.ca/celebrate90/ للحصول على جميع التفاصيل.

اضطراب طيف الكحول الجنيني (FASD): دليل للوعي والفهم

يؤثر FASD على العديد من العائلات داخل ساسكاتشوان وفي جميع أنحاء العالم. ومع ذلك، فإن المعلومات والموارد الخاصة بالمتضررين من FASD لا تناقش على نطاق واسع داخل المجتمع. أنشأت شبكة FASD في ساسكاتشوان كتيبا إعلاميا حول FASD ، مجانا ل ...

فئة الدفاع عن النفس

During Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Family Service Saskatoon is hosting various drop-in events in support of those who are affected by domestic violence. These events are drop-in, and free of charge.  If you require childcare, pre-registration is required.  Call...

الشفاء الجسدي والتأمل

During Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Family Service Saskatoon is hosting various drop-in events in support of those who are affected by domestic violence. These events are drop-in, and free of charge.  If you require childcare, pre-registration is required.  Call...

اليوغا والرعاية الذاتية

During Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Family Service Saskatoon is hosting various drop-in events in support of those who are affected by domestic violence. These events are drop-in, and free of charge.  If you require childcare, pre-registration is required.  Call...


Theraplay has a team of Occupational Therapists who work with individuals of all ages with a variety of functional needs such as Autism, Down Syndrome, FASD/pre-natal exposure, sensory processing disorder, developmental delay, etc. Families can work towards...

Nutrien Wonderhub

Nutrien Wonderhub is Saskatchewan’s Children’s Museum, located in Saskatoon, SK. It’s a fun and interactive place for families to learn! The Wonderhub encourages creativity, curiosity, and lifelong learning for all members of the family through its exhibits,...

Public Libraries

Public libraries are a great place for families to build community and improve literacy skills. It is a free resource that is accessible in almost every community. Saskatoon Public Library can be accessed using here They offer much more than just books to read. They...

سجل العادات الصحية

هل ترغب في خلق عادات جديدة وأكثر صحة؟ هذا السجل يمكن أن يساعد. تحقق من الأيام التي تمارس فيها السلوكيات الصحية حتى تصبح عادة حقا. بعض الأمثلة: ممارسة التمارين الرياضية المعتدلة ، وتناول الفواكه والخضروات ، والنظافة الشخصية الجيدة ، والتدليك الذاتي ، و ...

نصائح حول المهلات

Time-outs are a challenging aspect of parenting. The purpose of time-outs is to help children learn about their behavior and are a practice in discipline. It is important that time-outs aren’t used for punishment as this is an upsetting experience for the child and...

نصائح التنفس الواعي

Mindful breathing exercises (when practiced regularly) have been proven to reduce stress and promote a feeling of calm. They can be used anywhere and may be of significant benefit to individuals struggling with emotion regulation. To download a copy of this PDF,...

شركاء الخدمات العائلية

تقع Partners Family Services في هومبولت ، وهي منظمة تقدم الدعم في الأزمات ، وتقديم المشورة للبالغين والشباب ، ودعم العنف ، وبرامج الأبوة والأمومة ، وبرامج التوعية. تقدم هذه المنظمة العديد من أشكال الدعم الخاصة باحتياجات الأسرة، بما في ذلك:

الانتحار – المعلومات والموارد

وفقا لمنظمة الصحة العالمية (https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/suicide) ، يموت أكثر من 700000 شخص بسبب الانتحار سنويا في جميع أنحاء العالم.  في كندا ، يبلغ المتوسط 11 حالة وفاة يوميا.  يؤثر الانتحار على جميع الأعراق ، وجميع الدخل,...