ما الذي تبحث عنه؟

نصائح لمشاركة الكتب

Reading is an important aspect of learning and development for children, but it is not the only way they can learn about books and stories. Book sharing is a great way to share stories and to help your child learn. Book sharing can start long before your child is...

نصائح حول المهلات

Time-outs are a challenging aspect of parenting. The purpose of time-outs is to help children learn about their behavior and are a practice in discipline. It is important that time-outs aren’t used for punishment as this is an upsetting experience for the child and...

هل يقاتل أطفالك؟

هل يقاتل أطفالك؟ هل يتجادل أطفالك مع بعضهم البعض؟ هل تعاني من نقص في المزاج والأدوات؟  كآباء وأمهات ، يمكننا خلق بيئة من التعاون تعزز قيمة الاختلافات (في الأفكار والآراء والحلول) ، وتشجع الفردية ,...

Nutrien Wonderhub

Nutrien Wonderhub is Saskatchewan’s Children’s Museum, located in Saskatoon, SK. It’s a fun and interactive place for families to learn! The Wonderhub encourages creativity, curiosity, and lifelong learning for all members of the family through its exhibits,...

The Benefits of Sensory Play

As the world learns more about child development there are an overwhelming number of tips, resources, and activities to support child development. As a parent or someone working with children, this abundance of information can be stressful when trying to understand...

نصائح الأبوة والأمومة الإيجابية

Positive Parenting solutions help parents and caregivers form lasting healthy relationships with their children. These relationships encourage communication, create stronger bonds, teach emotional regulation, and help build children’s self-esteem. This resource...

Early Years Family Resource Centre Programs

Early Years Family Resource Centre is a centre in Saskatoon that offers a drop-in play and learning space for families with children prenatal to 5 years. There are also various locations across the province outside of Saskatoon. The centre’s programs focus on are...

بناء علاقات جيدة بين الوالدين والطفل

العلاقات الإيجابية بين الوالدين والطفل مهمة لجميع مجالات نمو الأطفال. من خلال التواجد في الوقت الحالي ، وقضاء وقت ممتع وإظهار الدفء والرعاية والاحترام ، يمكنك تقوية علاقتك مع طفلك.  الوالد الجيد الطفل ...

مركز ريجينا لموارد الأسرة في السنوات المبكرة

تضع السنوات الست الأولى من حياة الطفل الأساس للتعلم والسلوك والصحة طوال حياته. تترك تفاعلات الأطفال وتجاربهم وعلاقاتهم خلال هذه الفترة الحرجة انطباعات دائمة تشكل نموهم و ...

نمو وتطور طفلك

للحصول على أفضل تجربة مشاهدة ، يرجى النقر هنا لتنزيل إصدار PDF من هذا المستند. بصفتك المعلم الأول لطفلك ، ستساعد طفلك على تعلم المشي والتحدث واللعب والعد والتعبير عن المشاعر وتنظيم العواطف والمشاركة والحب وغير ذلك الكثير. هذه المعالم ...

السلامة داخل المنزل

A safe home includes parents and caregivers inspecting their homes for risks, and requires adequate supervision of children. Children do not recognize that they can be injured by things in their environment, such as a hot stove or electrical outlet. It is important to...

Calm-Down Kit

Children have big emotions and sometimes it’s hard to know how to help them. Having a calm-down kit is one way parents can encourage coping skills and emotional regulation. A calm-down kit is individual to your child’s needs and interests. Generally, the kit is filled...

CFS الأمير ألبرت

تهدف خدمات الأسرة الكاثوليكية للأمير ألبرت إلى تعزيز وتقوية الصحة العقلية والعاطفية للأفراد والعائلات في مجتمعنا والمنطقة المحيطة به. لمعرفة المزيد عن برامجهم ، انقر هنا.

Early Childhood Mental Health

This resource focuses on the impact that poor mental health in childhood can have on the rest of a child’s life. It specifically touches on children’s abilities to experience emotions, form relationships, and learn about their environment, and allows better...

Intimate Partner Violence group

Family Service Saskatoon offers multiple services for those who have experienced intimate partner violence to learn from and support one another through sharing and discussion. Check out this link with more information.

Safer Schools Together

Safer Schools Together educates and creates awareness by providing online resources for youth and caregivers. They provide workshops, modules, and general information to help minimize the risk of violence and to increase social media literacy. Some workshops have a...


Wanuskewin Heritage Park is located 15 minutes outside of Saskatoon. Wanuskewin is a place of uniqueness where people can learn about ancient peoples including aspects of habitation, hunting and gathering, and spirituality. It is a proud place where all people can...

Social Determinants of Health 

Oftentimes we think of our health in terms of the medical aspects of our physical or mental well-being. However, if you consider health in a more holistic way, there are many social factors that determine and contribute to our well-being. The social determinants of...

"هناك مخرج" – رؤى من الناجين من عنف الشريك الحميم

تتشرف شبكة التعلم بالشراكة مع المبادرة الكندية لمنع جرائم القتل المنزلي مع السكان الضعفاء (CDHPIVP) بتضخيم أصوات الناجين وتبادل نصائحهم مع أولئك الذين يعانون من عنف الشريك الحميم (IPV)....


يوفر هذا المورد الذي أنشأه معهد ساسكاتشوان للوقاية معلومات مفيدة عن اللعب للأطفال من مختلف الأعمار. يستكشف أهمية اللعب ، والفوائد التنموية للعب ، ونصائح مختلفة حول اللعب. يوفر المورد أيضا خدمة مفيدة ...

Challenges of Raising a Teen

Parenting is tricky no matter the age, but as parents of teenagers, sometimes it can be difficult to understand what your teen may be going through. Teenage years are full of growth, self-identification, learning new things, and trying to understand how the world...

Wanuskewin Kids’ Camps

As summer approaches and we start thinking about summer camps for our children, it is a great idea to keep Wanuskewin in mind!  Wanuskewin has a variety of different camps and learning opportunities for children; it’s a great way to explore the fascinating history and...

بناء احترام الذات لدى الأطفال

Children are constantly learning, developing, and growing. The older they get, the more complex their development becomes. At a certain point in our development, we start exploring our values and how they connect to the world around us. One of the more challenging...

The Incredible Parent Directory 2023: VOCATIONAL PLANNING

To download a PDF version of this page, please click here. Abilities Hub YXE (Formerly Northern Saskatchewan Independent Living) Ph: (306) 665-5508 info@abilityhubyxe.ca www.nsilc.com 237 - 5th Avenue N, Saskatoon SK, S7K 2P2 Offers programs that support individuals...

Separation Anxiety

Connecting and bonding with children is a crucial part of child development in the early years of a child’s life. At times, when children experience secure attachment, they can also experience anxiety when a parent, caregiver, or comfort person has to leave or go out....


Raising young children can be both a joyful and a challenging experience. As parents and caregivers, you are navigating a constantly changing landscape as your children grow and develop. The experience of parenting young children can be enhanced by accessing a wide...

The Incredible Parent Directory 2023: EDUCATION

To download a PDF version of this page, please click here. The Ability Hub YXE (formerly the North Saskatchewan Independent Living Centre) Ph: (306) 665-5508 Fax (306) 244-2453 https://www.abilityhubyxe.ca/ 237 - 5th Avenue North, Saskatoon, SK S7K 2P2 The Ability Hub...

The Incredible Parent Directory 2023: HEALTH

To download a PDF version of this page, please click here. Alvin Buckwold Child Development Program (306) 655-1070 www.saskatoonhealthregion.ca 1319 Colony Street, Saskatoon S7N 2Z1 Serves children’s special health needs. These can include physical, intellectual,...

The Incredible Parent Directory 2023: PARENTING

To download a PDF version of this page, please click here. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Saskatoon (306) 244-8197 Fax (306) 244-4171 www.bbbssaskatoon.org 182 Wall Street S7K 1N4 Big Brother Big Sisters of Saskatoon creates individual and group mentoring relationships...

The Incredible Parent Directory 2023: CRIME & JUSTICE

If you would like to download this page as a PDF, please click here. Child Find Saskatchewan (306) 955-0070 (24hrs) 1-800-513-3463 www.childfind.sk.ca 202 - 3502 Taylor Street East, Saskatoon, S7H 5H9 Provides services promoting personal safety to children, parents...

The Incredible Parent Directory 2023: URGENT SERVICES

To download a PDF version of this page, please click here. Helping children cope: Tips for talking about tragedy After a tragedy, you might feel helpless – but your child needs your support. Here’s help knowing what to say by Mayo Clinic Staff:...

The Incredible Parent Directory 2023: SEPARATION & DIVORCE

To download this page as a PDF, please click here. Collaborative Professionals of Saskatchewan Inc. www.collabsask.com An organization that utilizes a process for resolving issues with the advice and assistance of lawyers but without going to court. All parties and...